We had such a great time. The Counting Crows cancelled at the last minute but that still left us with Augustana (a local San Diego band that we loved- added them to my playlist!) and Maroon 5. We were really surprised at how great they sounded and how entertaining it was!
We were in the lawn seating. It was blissful sitting on a blanket under the stars, having a whole bag of kettle corn and my husband to myself. Perfect night!
Meanwhile the kids were having a great time! We were told the highlight of the night was a game of sardines. At one point Lindsay and Shelby were stuffed in a closet with Mimi, Granddad, Aunt Jenni, Uncle Rob and Robby while Owen looked for them! Our kids are so lucky to have fun grandparents!
Owen got up early to help Mimi sweep the front walk (apparently they do this every time the kids spend the night there). Elizabeth told me later about their conversation that I thought was hillarious.
Mimi to Owen: How did you sleep?
Owen: Pretty good. But I didn't have my sound machine.
Mimi: Oh, you have a sound machine to help you sleep?
Owen: Yeah
Mimi: Oh, that's good.
Owen: Well, it's more of a baby machine.
Mimi: It is?
Owen: Yeah, but one of the songs is educational.
Mimi: Which is that?
Owen: It's the ABC song, so that's okay.
We went to church at our old Stake Center, drove by the home where I spent my teenage years,
and climbed to the top of the water tower by my house just for old times sake.
Back home in time to make some delicious Key Lime sugar cookies inspired by Crystal's key lime cupcakes - Yum! Fun little getaway for all the Keelers!