Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goodbye Halloween

On Friday morning Owen woke up and said,"Is it the last day of Halloween?" I explained that it is actually the ONLY day of Halloween. But since we have been celebrating it going on two weeks now, I could understand his confusion. I was so thankful to say, "yes, hooray no more parties after today!" You can only dress your kids up so many times and have it still be fun, right? Well, here are some pictures from the last day of Halloween (and the night before the last day of Halloween). Don't get me wrong, it was fun. I'm just glad it's over!


TheIsom8 said...

I must admit...I am glad it is over. I hardly put out any decorations this year and yet I am anxious to get them picked up (tomorrow). It seemed to last a long time this year! Now on to Thanksgiving (one of my favorites)!

Chantel said...

That was such a fun night with you all...and putting away all the costumes and decor the next morning was almost as great!